Sunday, June 30, 2019

Making the Perfect Cut on Your Cigar

Making the Perfect Cut on Your Cigar

How to clip a cigar properly?  Although every cigar aficionado has their own proven method, here are some basic guidelines to get you started.

First, examine the head, or closed end, of the cigar.  This is the part of the cigar that will need to be clipped.  Determine where the 'cap' is.  The cap refers to the part of the cigar where the tobacco leaf was used to close the cigar.  Once you've found the cap, determine its length.  As a general rule, you should not cut any further than the end of the cap.  If you cut further than the cap, there's a good chance your cigar will unravel!

Use a good quality clipper to cut the head at the cap.  You don't want a cheap cutter that will result in frayed or split cuts.  You can purchase a special cigar cutter at your local tobacco shop that is designed to make clean cuts.  Once you have your cutter, hold your cigar at eye level and make a fast and decisive cut just above the cap.  Less is more when cutting—if you find your cut is too superficial, simply cut down a bit more.

Old vs. New:  Choosing the Right Cigar

Are you confused about old cigars versus fresh cigars?  What does this mean, exactly?  If you're new to the world of cigar smoking, these terms can be a little perplexing.  Basically, know that cigars are never really fresh.  That is, you generally can't purchase a cigar just after it has been produced.  Most tobacconists store their cigars at the proper temperature and humidity before they are stored.  Also, the tobacco in most premium cigars is usually aged for about one to two years before it is rolled into a cigar.  

Many smokers prefer old or vintage cigars.  Why?  Older cigars are not inherently better than newer cigars.  This is simply a matter of personal taste and preference.  How long can vintage cigars last before they lose flavor and integrity?  Cigars that are properly stored at a constant temperature of approximately 70 degrees, and about 70% humidity, can be stored indefinitely.  

What happens if an old cigar is not stored properly, and begins to dry out?  Although the integrity of the cigar will probably be damaged, it can be restored significantly by re-humidifying it.  This process must be done slowly and with great care to restore the cigar's flavor and consistency


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