This might sound obvious but did you know that if you are marketing to everyone you market to no one? It's possible it will work but chances are your margins will be affected by inefficient marketing. A bigger question to ask, how well do you know your customer? How much information can you provide about them at the drop of a hat?
I will use an example of a mobile DJ company I used to own although the gist of this model applies to most businesses if not all. If you are struggling to get people through to your offers consistently online or offline... read on.
Who Are They?
The answer to this question allows us to gain a general understanding of how our customer looks like, where they live etc. In my mobile DJ context where I did weddings, this would be couples between ages 25-35 who have been in a relationship for 3 years plus. They also live in Perth, Australia within a 50-kilometre radius of where my business was located. People in this age group who have been dating for that amount of time would generally be considering longterm commitment right? This also means I am willing to drive 100 kilometres and I have resources to do any gig within this radius.
What Do They Do?
This question allows us to answer some basic information about the day in the life of our ideal customer. Where they work, their income levels, and what they do for fun. This also provides information about what sort of people they are likely to be. Feels a little weird acting 'big brother' but I had to get past that mindset if I wanted to nail this modelling in my businesses. This thinking allows me to present my offers directly to somebody who actually needs what I have. Isn't that powerful?
Where Do They Hang Out?
Now that we know what our customer does for a living, how much they make and what they like to do, we can probably start to make some very targeted assumptions about where they hang out. This could be either online or offline. So on the weekends if they like to eat out, what sort of restaurants do they go to? If they enjoy the occasional frothy drink, what sorts of pubs, nightclubs fit their class? As you can start to see here, I am basically visualising my customers' life through my mind. When online which platforms do they hang out in? What information are they looking at?
Tom (a groom to be) could be spending time on LinkedIn looking at information regarding his profession as an IT consultant engineer. Why? He knows they might need to buy a house one they are married. In his mind, this means he needs a bigger income coming in. His worry though is, are there opportunities coming up in his line of work? Mary (bride to be) could be looking up event companies on Facebook and stores that sell wedding dresses.
Can you see why I need to answer this question? This is important because the idea is for me to get in front of them very close to where they spend a lot of time.
What Do They Want?
Each and every one of us including our customers is looking to move away from pain or towards pleasure situation of some sort. We also have a difficult time knowing what we need and what we want. Our customers are exactly the same. In our case we are dealing with a 'want'. We need air. I am guessing if you ran out of air right now, it doesn't matter what someone says to you, you are buying yes? 'Wants' we can do without BUT if we are in pain or looking for pleasure we might buy.
So what does Mary want?
Mary wants to look good on the big day. She also wants to have a ceremony that is the envy of her friends who will be at the wedding.What are the deciding factors in Mary's mind for this to happen? A beautiful wedding dress, incredible makeup and, a great party. She wants her friends to talk and comment about it for months to come as they view photos on her Facebook page.
For the certainty of a great after party, a great DJ is required. Mary will need some proof that the DJ she gets is the right one. So my mission is to be in front of her eyes holding a great review in hand somewhere on a wedding DJs in Perth Facebook page. How do I know I need to be on Facebook? I know because Mary likes to hang out there. Chances are she tends to look for her new information here as well.The new information here is a good wedding DJ.
What Is Stopping Them From Getting It?
Tom and Mary might want a good DJ at their wedding but they might not know enough about selecting one, they might also be on a tight budget meaning they are planning the event themselves. Armed with this information, I can provide value towards eliminating those barriers. This could be providing valuable information about how to create a music playlist, how to pick a wedding venue on a budget, the process of hiring outside caterers etc. I can have the information sitting in a blog on my website or links to such content on my Facebook page. The latter would be ideal because I know if Mary finds me on the Perth DJs page, she will click through to my page. Is she going to find valuable content on my page to help her ease her 'pain'? Of course, she will!
Final Thoughts
With these 5 questions answered, I think it's a good assumption that I can get Tom and Mary very close to a buying decision. I also know exactly where to focus my marketing efforts every day so I can get the most value from my time and money invested.
Wishing you success.
There is no shortage of tactics to market your business online and finding the right customers. However, the Internet is very fluid. Things change every day. You need to have a solid marketing education and a marketing blueprint strategy for your business. If you are a new business owner who has never sold anything online, I can offer you the same exact training that got me out of the trenches and helped me save my business. This training is a step-by-step guide which I found very powerful.
Today, I will offer you my number 1 best-kept secret about getting quality customers: Quality products/services and overwhelming value. No marketing tactic online or offline is a substitute for poor quality products or services.
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